Jodi Arias Interviews/Livestream


  1. thank you to TheTawniDily on youtube for compiling a couple of these tytyty

  2. So far, watching the first interview and I am more outraged at the interviewer than Jodi. The nature of his questions shows that he sympathizes with her. He also asked her if she would ever forgive herself for killing Travis, which is assuming BASED ON NOTHING that she is sorry! She never even apologized for it. She "forgave herself" for it a long time ago. Uh this guy is an idiot.

  3. ARGH! This guy keeps making assumptions about what she feels and thinks, and he's entirely wrong! He just said something about how if she could go back and do things different, aside from not committing the murder, would she date Travis. Well we already know based on her other interview that if she could go back and change things, not committing the murder was never even a question for her. She would have gone to the police after murdering Travis. She would still commit the murder. This guy is giving her entirely too much credit for being a right-thinking, good-hearted, remorseful person. I really want to slap the shite out of him.

  4. interesting thing about her interview is that she keeps insisting that she apologized and expressed remorse. I don't think she even realizes that she didn't. She has expressed remorse for the pain that she has caused Travis' and her family, but she hasn't actually apologized to Travis for killing him. She almost treats him like a non-entity. I do think she is actually sorry for the fallout to all of the other people that she had no bad feelings towards, but she is NOT sorry to Travis himself because she feels justified in killing him.
